Many of the services we use today offer mobile text updates to keep us up to speed: calendar reminders, bank balance updates, marketing messages, emergency alerts—you name it. It can all end up in your text message inbox—and combined with messages from family and friends—your text inbox quickly becomes a cluttered mess.
Pushbullet keeps your text inbox clutter-free, plus a whole lot more. Share links, maps, photos and files with friends and colleagues from your phone to their phone or desktop—or the other way around! Pushbullet’s mirroring feature can be set to display your phone notifications (including plain text messages) on your computer, meaning even if you left your phone in another room, you will never miss a message. You can use it to connect your devices – providing quick way of moving info from a tablet to a phone, etc – with just a few clicks, saving you from having to use Dropbox or an email attachment.. perfect for those quick “check this out later” links.
Pushbullet’s phone-to-desktop and desktop-to-phone capabilities is an indispensable feature. Workgroups can use it to keep their colleagues on the road in the loop with instant notifications that include one-click map links, files or even automated updates (when used with email filters, Zapier or IFTTT). The possibilities are endless.
While not many web apps will send notices directly to Pushbullet yet (it’s still relatively new), they have partnerships with Zapier and IFTTT, making it easy to send almost any info you want from almost any app to your Pushbullet’s inbox.
Pushbullet is free for Android and iPhone. Check it out!