I really have to reactivate my HBO subscription. On his show Last Week Tonight, John Oliver delivered an epic monologue that maps out the Net Neutrality issue, critical to the public interest and getting nearly zero coverage in the mainstream press. I’m an Internet freedom zealot, I will admit – but it’s not an easy road out there for someone who is trying to learn some basic facts about it. Enter John Oliver. Stay with the whole thing. It’s packed with laughs, charts—and the megacash-fueled backstory.
The resulting crush of FCC comments crashed their site. Will it matter? Probably not in the face of all that endless lobbying and Citizens United cash. Which leaves us with this bit of wisdom:
“If you want to do something evil, put it inside something boring.”
– John Oliver
More links:
- FCC Comments (comment if you can get the page to load) 🙂
- A thorough (but less funny) explanation of Net Neutrality by Free Press
- Wikipedia’s article on Net Neutrality (not funny at all)