Website Email & Form Protection PowerPack

Ends contact form spam, missing email notifications and brute-force attacks

The Website Email & Form Protection PowerPack combines three industry-leading services to make your website both secure and a reliable way for prospects and clients to reach you. This packaged service addresses and solves three common problems that plague many websites these days:

Contact form junk messages

Missing website email notifications

Brute-force attacks

These frustrating problems can occur with even brand-new websites. Even the best website construction and hosting quality doesn't necessarily protect your website from these annoyances.

stop website form spam
The Website Email & Form Protection PowerPack ends emails like this from your website. 

Do any of these issues sound familiar?

what the heck is this?

Junk Contacts

You get a message via your website's contact form, only to find it's written in Russian, a sketchy offer to make you #1 on Google, or even a fake lawsuit threat. You're annoyed because your time was wasted and wonder if there's a security problem on your site. 

Where did it go?

Missing Messages

You get a phone call from a client or prospect, and they mention they tried to reach you on your website, but no response. You never got their message, and the prospect never received your autoresponder message. You're angry and fear you left a bad impression.

revenge of the bots?

Brute Force Attacks

Your website statistics seem to record a high level of visitor volume or your security plugin is reporting "unusual traffic". Bots are constantly trying to gain access to your site and you worry one day they may get in or take the site down completely.

The Solution:

The Website Email & Form Protection PowerPack service combines three powerful, industry-leading solutions to end these problems once and for all. In addition, the PowerPack includes experienced webmaster implementation, support and monitoring.

The Website Email & Form Protection PowerPack Service Includes:

Form Protection

CleanTalk Anti-Spam blocks form spam

Website Email Processing

Postmark Transactional Email

Website Firewall

CleanTalk Firewall

ProVirtual Solutions offers expert implementation and monitoring of the PowerPack service and offers clients blocked spam statistics and private access to your website message deliverability data. When questions arise, simply send an inquiry to our support desk.


Website Form Protection

Blows CAPTCHA and reCAPTCHA away...

CleanTalk's Antispam for Websites service blocks bot entries on your website's forms. Contact, list subscription, comment and even ecommerce forms are all protected. Entries are checked against a database of known spam sources (email addresses and IP addresses) before the form is processed, while allowing legitimate entries to pass through.

Better yet, there's no goofy, annoying puzzles to solve, as it completely replaces CAPTCHA/reCAPTCHA. The anti-spam protection is completely invisible to your site's visitors.

Completely replaces CAPTCHA and Google's reCAPTCHA

Protects all website forms, even embedded third party forms!

Support available via Help Desk when questions arise

Results statistics available within WordPress. You will be shocked to find how many junk messages are blocked!

Website Email Processing

Authenticated, branded transactional email that reaches the inbox every time

Hosting providers usually rely on PHP mail capability to send website email messages such as notifications, password requests and contact form messages. However, this is not only unreliable, messages sent via this method are likely to wind up in a spam folder, if they are sent at all.

Reinforces recipient trust, branded with your subdomain

Your subdomain is fully authenticated with DKIM and SPF

Access to message logs and open/click tracking at

Supports up to 5000 messages per month (a LOT!)

Support available via dedicated Help Desk

Email processed by Postmark, an industry leader

Never miss a website inquiry or password reset email ever again!


Brute-Force Protection

Blocks bot traffic and password-guessing attacks

Among the most most common ways for WordPress sites to be hacked are brute-force attacks. This attack type is an automated password search to get full access to your site's Administrator account. With CleanTalk Security Firewall, source IPs are checked against a known threat database and blocked before there's a problem.

All successful logins are logged for future audit

Blocked attack statistics are fully logged for review

Support available via Help Desk if questions arise

Country access blocking available

Besides protecting your site's security, blocking malicious login attempts saves on your hosting server resources, contributing to better site performance.

PowerPack Feature Summary

  • Experienced webmaster implementation & monitoring

    All services included in PowerPack are tried and tested.

  • Form anti-spam protects all website form types!

    Contact, comment and email opt-in forms (3rd party forms too.)

  • Direct access to website email sending logs

    Includes message delivery, open and click tracking

  • Additional websites can be added at reduced cost

    Have additional sites to protect? Save up to 30%.

  • Fully branded, authenticated website email messaging

    Supports up to 5000 messages per month!

  • Firewall saves resources and supports site performance

    Stats available on successfully blocked attacks

  • Firewall logs all user logins for future audit

    Administrator logins are tracked for future review, if needed

  • Need help? Have a question? Just email us for support.

    When questions arise, just email the Help Desk.

Special Offer

$195.00 Setup Fee + $120.00/Year

Help Desk Clients enjoy exclusive rates on specialty services. Learn more about Help Desk.

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