Managed Website Legal Policies

Your Website's Legal Policies
Automatically Updated.

Get compliant with CalOPPA, CCPA, GDPR, PIPEDA, UK DPA and more with Termageddon.

With the rapidly-expanding list of states and countries tightening online privacy laws, website owners need to be proactive and protect themselves against potential legal action. Termageddon provides website Privacy, Terms, Disclaimer and Cookie policies that change automatically as national and state laws change.

With the rapidly-expanding list of states and countries tightening online privacy laws, website owners need to be proactive and protect themselves against potential legal action. Termageddon provides website Privacy, Terms, Disclaimer and Cookie policies that change automatically as national and state laws change.

website privacy policy generator
Website Legal Policies

Learn more about Termageddon's website policy service:


One Termageddon license (for 1 domain name/website) includes the following:

  • Privacy Policy
  • Terms of Service
  • Disclaimer (often used for affiliate links on your site)
  • Cookie Policy and Consent Tool (Powered by Usercentrics Consent Management)

Absolutely! Click here to learn more.  Keep in mind that you will need to implement it on your website and answer a detailed questionnaire as part of the setup process. We find that most clients have questions along the way, and appreciate having some guidance with the questionnaire along with the website integration. That's where ProVirtual Solutions comes in.

Hans and Donata Skillrud, the founders of Termageddon, are awesome at customer service and all-around cool people. So, if you decide to implement it on your own, you're in good hands! 

Over a dozen states have proposed or already are implementing privacy laws to protect the Personally Identifiable Information (PII) of its citizens. Each of these laws has unique requirements as well as unique penalties for non-compliance. Some states are proposing businesses be fined over $5,000 per infringement (per website visitor). Some states are proposing private right of action (meaning citizens of that state can sue businesses anywhere in the US). Read Termageddon's state privacy law tracker for updated information.

Furthermore, where your business is located does not matter. The laws are intended to protect the residents of that state or nation. Basically, you as a website owner should assume you're affected by all the laws, not just those in your state.

Yes. Since you are collecting personal information (e.g. name and email on your contact form), you are required to have a Privacy Policy. Currently, the following laws require Privacy Policies for most websites: 

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR); 
  • UK Data Protection Act 2018;
  • Australia Privacy Act
  • California Online Privacy and Protection Act of 2003 (CalOPPA); 
  • California Privacy Protection Act (CCPA); 
  • Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA);
  • Delaware Online Privacy and Protection Act (DOPPA);
  • Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 603A; 

There are also about a dozen other states that are proposing their own privacy laws that would require most businesses to have a Privacy Policy and would affect how that Privacy Policy is written, requiring you to make changes on a pretty regular basis.

While technically you could write these policies yourself, it is not recommended that you do so. There are a lot of laws, cases and legal opinions on how to write these policies correctly. If you have not spent years studying law and cases, it is very likely that the policy you write would be incomplete, incorrect and non-compliant. Also, there are currently a lot of new privacy laws that are being proposed and passed, meaning that you’d have to constantly stay up to date with these laws and amend your Privacy Policy yourself every time. 

If you have a data privacy attorney on staff, you should definitely ask him or her to write this up for you. Just as a heads up, if you want to ask your outside attorney to draft these for you, that’s a great idea but it may be a bit pricey, as they would have to update it regularly. Also, lawyers that do not work in the privacy field often use Termageddon solutions for their Privacy Policies so that’s something to think about!

You could try and copy and paste someone else’s Privacy Policy, rewrite it to fit your website and then paste it onto your website. However, by doing so, you’d be committing copyright infringement, which could get you sued. Also, you don’t know whether that policy is compliant with the current laws. It also won’t auto-update for you, meaning that you’ll have to keep track of the changes to the law which are expanding all the time.

Having Termageddon generate a policy for you is much easier, less time consuming and safer!

Some of the laws that are being proposed or passed do not limit enforcement and liability to large companies only so your small business could be liable as well. Also, consumers do not distinguish between small and large businesses when it comes to protecting their privacy and are less likely to buy from companies that do not respect their privacy. 

Termageddon has a handy Privacy Law Tracker and spreadsheet that has the latest information about privacy protection laws in the USA.  In addition, Termageddon's Blog is a treasure trove of current updates about online privacy, regulations and current laws.

You are collecting personal information on your website if you have a contact form that asks for the user’s name, email, or phone number. Also, you’re collecting personal information if you ask for the user’s email to sign them up for an email newsletter.

In addition,  commonly used tracking tools like Google Analytics is collecting non-personal data such as location, IP address and device information, while not personally identifiable, it should be disclosed in your Privacy Policy.

A key component of Termageddon's offering is that their team monitors privacy laws, notifies you when the laws have changed and updates your policies automatically with these new disclosure requirements.  In other words, Termageddon monitors privacy laws so you don't have to.

WordPress webmaster

ProVirtual Solutions' Termageddon Policy Service Includes:

  • Annual License for 4 Policies

    Includes 4 policy services: Privacy, Terms of Service, Disclaimer, plus 
    the Cookie Policy & Consent Tool

  • Consultation & Questionnaire Guidance

    Termageddon's policy customization process is very thorough. You'll get experienced setup guidance with no guesswork. 

  • Website Integration & Styling

    Your selected policy pages and Cookie Consent Tool setup on your site, plus integration and coordinating styling, so it looks great while protecting your business.

  • Private Dashboard Access

    Changes in your online marketing strategy? You'll have private access to your site's policy dashboard. 

  • Annual Savings

    ProVirtual Solutions is a Termageddon Data Privacy Agency Partner. Save  on the standard annual rate with our partnership.

  • Ongoing Support

    Have a question about a policy change or technical issue? Just reach out and we'll get answers. 

Termageddon Legal Policy Service Package: $250 Setup + $120 per year.

Please note: this is not legal advice. Termageddon is a technology tool, not a legal service provider. ProVirtual Solutions (Mary Motz) is a website service provider, not an attorney. If you have very specific questions regarding your business, you are encouraged to consult your own counsel.

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