You may not be a big business, but you still need a webmaster

If you depend on the Internet in any way to support your business, you absolutely need a webmaster—whether you’re a multi-million dollar enterprise or a solopreneur. This isn’t new; in the past you needed a webmaster just to do simple changes to a website and to navigate website hosting, email and domain names. While those skills are still very important, the current landscape of accessible CMS platforms (like WordPress) has made it possible for anyone to easily publish and update their own websites—which is a good thing!  So, no need for a webmaster, right? Not so fast.

In the past, you needed a webmaster primarily for technical skills. A good webmaster professional simply knew how to do things you didn’t know, just like any other profession. That’s still  true, but today’s most pressing challenge is staying current with rapidly-changing online standards, new services and technology that are routinely upended and disrupted at a dizzying clip. Simply put, you need a pro to just stay on top of changes, advise you on what’s needed and offer informed advice on where to best spend your online marketing efforts.

ProVirtual Solutions offers on-call Help Desk webmaster service plans for WordPress site owners who value honest advice and expertise, provided with ongoing, dependable technical maintenance. Schedule an introductory call today to see if Help Desk is a good fit for your business.

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