
Black Friday Savings!

This Thanksgiving week we’ll be bombarded with email offers and sales from just about everyone that sells something online. I saved a few of those links, and thought I’d pass along some of these deals for your Black Friday weekend shopping. Holiday sales aren’t just about your usual gift list – you can save on services you use for your business – even web hosting and marketing tools. Save big with these holiday offers…

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Email Deliverability

Avoiding the spam folder: tips to maximize your email deliverability

Deliverability is the name of the game with email. This is true for not only email marketing campaigns but also your day-to-day business and personal correspondence. Taking the time to improve email deliverability assures that your messages make it to the recipient’s in-box and that your name and email address can’t be spoofed by unscrupulous spammers. How can you avoid having your email messages sent to junk mail oblivion? Read on for my best advice…

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Content marketing articles

A Halloween roundup of go-to resource treats for content marketers

There’s no need to stare at a blank screen and struggle with having good article ideas. Inspiration abounds and the following roundup of recent articles and downloadables will help you get your blogging or other content marketing strategy a big boost. Some of these are opt-in, and you may get follow up messages…but you’ll get solid and actionable information in return. Read on for a sugar-free list of Halloween treats packed with content marketing inspiration!

A Halloween roundup of go-to resource treats for content marketers Read More »

Resource Spotlight: Evernote Templates

Like many things in life and technology, a winning characteristic can sometimes work against you. A resource that can do anything can be so flexible that it isn’t used for anything. The missing ingredient is structure. Evernote is an example of this. It can be used for nearly any purpose with a bit of forethought and setup, which is, eh… work. Evernote’s pre-formatted notes solve this problem!

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To-Do List + Calendar = Less Stress

I think I’ve tried about every task management approach out there… from the incredibly simple (pen and paper) to the complicated (GTD®). I’ve used most of the web-based project/task systems, too: Asana, Basecamp, Wunderlist, Toodledo, Google Tasks. I think they are all really great… no complaints, but they really didn’t smoothly tackle what I needed… the ability to seamlessly schedule tasks and projects on my calendar.

Many of us today (me, especially) experience “incoming” in electronic form – mostly email, website form messages, texts or voice mail messages. My challenge was to make it as easy, fast and effortless as possible to schedule “incoming” along with my other priorities in a visual form that I can manage. Ideally, it can be automated. Automation prevents mistakes and things falling through the cracks.

Here’s how I solved it.

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What to keep in mind when choosing a web hosting provider

One incredibly important factor in the success of any website’s performance is the quality and features of the website’s hosting provider. Web hosting is the service which serves your website to anyone who wants to see it, analogous to a waiter in a restaurant. The quality of your experience when dining out is largely dependent on the quality of your table’s server. So it is with websites.  For non-webmasters, knowledgeably selecting a website hosting service is incredibly confusing, if not impossible. Heck, it can even be tricky for webmasters! Between navigating technical lingo and wide pricing differences, the shopper is at risk of overbuying (purchasing unnecessary features) or underbuying (overemphasizing low cost). To avoid making the wrong choice, consider the following before making the jump:

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WordPress 5.0 (Gutenberg) is coming soon…here’s what you need to know.

WordPress’ new Gutenberg content editor is completely different from the one we know and love. It promises to make composing content easier and will likely end the need to use additional plugins to format copy and page layouts. While undoubtedly more modern, it’s also a big departure from the existing editor. Here’s a few things to keep in mind for the coming transition…

WordPress 5.0 (Gutenberg) is coming soon…here’s what you need to know. Read More »

My top-5 email marketing timesavers

It can be tough to maintain a consistent email messaging campaign. I’ve fallen off the email wagon more times than I can count, but I’ve found that having a consistent process and a toolbox of helpful resources can make all the difference in keeping your publishing on-schedule. Here’s my top-5 pro-tips for saving time and staying on track with email marketing…

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Add fun and visibility to your email marketing with emoji

Emoji have become a secondary language. I’m lazy texter, and I’m guilty of saying things like “Do u want ?????” rather than taking on the onerous task of spelling out the word “pizza”… or “you”. Yeah, as I said, lazy. We’re used to using emoji on our phones or on social, but it’s easy to forget that they are super-easy to use almost anywhere, and can be effective attention getters in email newsletters – and everyday emails, too. 

Add fun and visibility to your email marketing with emoji Read More »

WordPress Care Plans

Five Signs You Need A Website Rebuild

If you’ve been in business for awhile, you’ve probably been there…you meet a new contact or prospect, look them up online, and see they have a killer website. The website that has served you well over the past few years may be looking a bit stale by comparison, but is that a good enough reason to invest in a new one? Besides having a case of website envy, there’s lots of reasons why it may be time for a total remodel, and many of those reasons are about what’s “under the hood”. Appearance isn’t the only reason to justify an investment in an overhaul. So, what other clues should you look for?

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