
Increase Your Brand’s Visibility with Customized Short Links

If you use any social media, you probably noticed how all the big media companies have their own customized shortened links (and not the usual, or Examples of custom shortened link domains include: (Huffington Post), (Fortune Magazine) or (NBC News). When you see these branded URLs, you know who posted them and if you are a regular reader, you’re probably more likely to click on them rather than a more generic short link.

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Reducing information overload: a few tools and strategies for minimizing the digital onslaught

Information overload is more than just annoying. It can lead to errors, oversights and even create emotional overwhelm and anxiety. It’s a fact that despite our best efforts, we humans just aren’t cut out for multitasking. The more information we ingest from multiple channels (email, texts, phone calls, app notifications, social media, etc), the lower our available mental bandwidth gets. Too much input can literally make us stupid, reducing our ability to effectively focus on completing important tasks and problem solving. What can you do? Here’s a few ideas to consider…

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John Oliver Magnificently, Hilariously and Thoroughly Explains The Net Neutrality Stakes

I really have to reactivate my HBO subscription. On his show “Last Week Tonight”, John Oliver delivered an epic monologue that maps out the Net Neutrality issue, critical to the public interest and getting nearly zero coverage in the mainstream press. I’m an Internet freedom zealot, I will admit – but it’s not an easy road out there for someone who is trying to learn some basic facts about it. Enter John Oliver. Stay with the whole thing. It’s packed with laughs, charts—and the megacash-fueled backstory (video).

John Oliver Magnificently, Hilariously and Thoroughly Explains The Net Neutrality Stakes Read More »

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